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CIMMYT’s Second-Generation Tropicalized Haploid Inducers

    To enable the public and private sector maize breeding programs in the tropical/subtropical agro-ecologies to adopt DH technology, CIMMYT and the University of Hohenheim (UHo) together developed the first-generation tropically adapted haploid inducer lines (TAILs).

    These tropicalized haploid inducers exhibit better agronomic performance than the temperate haploid inducers, and have similar haploid induction rates (5-8%) in tropical conditions. These first-generation haploid inducers were distributed to several public and private sector organizations worldwide.

    Recognizing the scope to further improve the first-generation TAILs for various traits, CIMMYT developed second-generation tropical haploid inducers.

    The CIM2GTAILs showed high haploid induction rates (~8-15%) under CIMMYT-tested (sub)tropical conditions in Mexico and Kenya, besides better agronomic performance in terms of plant vigor, synchrony with tropical source populations, better standability, and resistance to important tropical foliar diseases and ear rots. Haploid inducer hybrids developed using these CIM2GTAILs exhibit greater heterosis for plant vigor and pollen production while maintaining similar haploid induction rates as the parents; these are well-suited for open-pollinations with source populations in isolation nurseries.

    CIMMYT will share specific quantity of seed of these CIM2GTAILs and will grant authorization for use of these CIM2GTAILs to interested applicants, after signing the relevant material transfer agreement (MTA) with specific terms and conditions. The intellectual property of the CIM2GTAILs will remain with CIMMYT.